
發布者:常州金麗朗珠寶有限公司 浏覽次數:


Requirements and Statements on Social Responsibility Behaviors Related to Workers Protection


Fujian Jinyudeshang Refinery Technology Co.,Ltd. is a whole-industry chain entity engaged in the recovery, refining, processing, which supports the realization of responsible sourcing programof London Bullion Market Association, works closely with customers and partners at the upstream and downstream of the supply chain, jointly fulfills corporate social responsibility (CSR) and builds a sustainable industrial chain.


As a prerequisite for cooperation with Fujian Jinyudeshang Refinery Technology Co.,Ltd., we require partners to comply with all applicable laws and regulations on labor protection in the country/region where they are registered and operate, and encourages partners to adopt internationally recognized industry standards and best industry practices for production. Fujian Jinyudeshang Refinery Technology Co.,Ltd. shall be entitled to inspect sites of partners with reasonable notice, so as to evaluate their performance of this requirement.


This requirement applies to Fujian Jinyudeshang Refinery Technology Co.,Ltd. and its upstream and downstream partners in the supply chain of precious metals.


Partners must ensure that all employees are employed voluntarily, and shall not employ any form of slaves (including modern slave workers), forced workers, debt-paying workers, trafficked people or prison workers. Partners shall not restrict personal freedom, withhold identity documents, and get involved in human trafficking, including transporting, harboring, recruiting, transferring or receiving such workers or services through threats, coercion, enforcement, abduction or deception. Employees shall not be required to pay deposit, recruitment fee or other expenses to the Employer or the Agent.


Partners shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations on the minimum working age, and shall prohibit the employment of any form of child labor.


Partners shall effectively identify the age of all employees when recruiting, and minor workers under the age of 18 shall not engage in work that may endanger their health or safety. Partners shall protect student workers and apprentices in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


Partners shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to working hours and rest, and overtime must be voluntary. The standard working week (excluding overtime) shall be determined according to laws but shall not exceed 48 hours, and the total working time shall not exceed 60 hours per week. Employees shall have at least one day off for every six consecutive days of work.


Remuneration paid by partners to employees shall comply with all applicable wage laws, including those relating to minimum wage, overtime wage and statutory benefits. Partners shall pay wages to employees in full and on time, and shall provide clear and understandable payroll.


Partners shall not use violence, including but not limited to verbal insults, threats, corporal punishment, sexual harassment or physical coercion of employees.


Partners shall not discriminate against employees in employment, salary, promotion, reward, training opportunities, dismissal and other employment behaviors due to human race, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender performance, race or nationality, disability, pregnancy, religious belief, political affiliation, membership of association, protected genetic information or marital status. Partners shall not require employees or prospective employees to undergo medical tests or physical examinations that may be discriminatory.


Partners shall respect the rights of all employees to voluntarily form and join trade unions, conduct collective bargaining and peaceful assembly and refuse to participate in such activities in accordance with local laws. Partners shall establish an effective labor-capital communication mechanism, and shall regularly communicate with employees or employee representatives. Employees and/or their representatives shall be able to openly communicate with the management on working conditions and management practices and express their views and doubts without fear of discrimination, retaliation, threats or harassment.


Partners shall provide a safe and healthy working environment, avoid all working conditions that seriously endanger life safety or health, prevent all major fire or explosion accidents, limit fatal accidents at the work site, and prevent the occurrence or cause of infectious diseases leading to collective infection or other diseases during the work process.


Partners shall obtain, maintain and update all necessary health and safety permits and comply with the relevant provisions of these permits.


Partners shall identify and evaluate possible health and safety risks (including fire protection, industrial hygiene, physical work, machine protection, etc.), eliminate or reduce risks by eliminating hazards, substitution, engineering control, preventive maintenance and safe work processes (including locking/tagout), and provide appropriate personal protective equipment when necessary. In addition, partners shall take appropriate measures to protect the safety and health of women workers, especially pregnant women and lactating women workers.


Partners shall develop necessary procedures and systems to prevent, manage, track and report industrial injuries and diseases, and shall implement corrective measures to eliminate impact and help employees back to work.


Partners shall provide appropriate health and safety training to employees in local language, and shall post health-related and safety-related information in the workplace.


Partners shall provide clean toilet facilities and drinking water for employees, and clean and sanitary food, storage and dining facilities if necessary. Dormitory of employees shall be kept clean and safe, and reasonable living space shall be maintained.


Partners shall identify and evaluate possible emergencies, including but not limited to fire, explosion, fatal accident, public intoxication, etc., and shall minimize the impact on people, environment and property by implementing emergency plans and response procedures, including emergency reports, on-site first aid, notification and evacuation procedures, regular training and drills, as well as recovery plans.


Senior management of partners shall regularly review itself and its upstream partners to ensure the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of their performance of social responsibilities related to the protection of workers.


附件(jiàn)下載:Term Sheet: Requirements and Statements on Social Responsibility Behaviors Related to Workers Protection (PDF)

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